From bow of ILENE you turn left, right and then right before getting to the right corner of the big building. |
and my had leg crashed through the plywood decking when I put my foot on a spot that was not directly over one of the horizontal 2 x 4s that support it.
Fifteen feet behind it, hidden in woods that have encroached it, is a decaying one room structure (seen at the left in the photo above) under which Witty had apparently found shelter.
He was skittish or fearful and of two minds whether he wanted to be brought back into domesticity/captivity. But eventually his desire for food won out and he approached Lene and after giving him a hand full of food she grabbed him and I carried him back to the boat where we could see him better in the light.
He really looked none the worse for wear, his coat clean and not infested with brambles, though in need of a brushing. No apparent wounds or loss of weight. Alfie, normally diffident toward him as well as toward us, licked him lovingly. We gave him a big portion of food, though not too much because he regurgitates when he wolfs down too much.
Lene is elated!
The gloom of mourning that had settled over our expedition is vanished. We are both so happy to have him back, though he seems to be eyeing the companionway as if he enjoyed his four days of freedom.
We have been notifying all the folks who gave advice and support that the search is successfully concluded. How many of his nine lives are left?
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